Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

The turkey is stuffed and placed in the oven.
Time for breakfast. Stomach, stop rumblin'.
Coffee's the thing, still tastes like crap,
Ah forget it, think I'll take a nap.

Sez me.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Last Saturday

Last Saturday morning I was fixing breakfast for my dad. My wife had gone to Houston for a four day weekend of fun, frivolity, and retail therapy with her sisters. One of the sisters arranged a train trip to Galveston for the four of them and assorted and available spouses. My wife, knowing my affinity for trains, texted me a photo taken out the train window, with the caption “On the train, Choo, Choo!”.

I texted back, “Breakfast with Dad, Chew, Chew!”

Sorry, had to share that pun.