Sunday, June 13, 2010

Today we witnessed an "attempted murder".

This morning during our usual Sunday morning walk, my wife, my daughter and I witnessed an attempted murder. It was not as shocking as you would expect. Bear with me a sec.

We were walking down one of our normal, quiet neighborhood streets on our way to our favorite coffee shop for our Sunday morning spiritual. The trip to the shop was perfect. The weather was amazing, a beautiful spring day, not a cloud in the sky, the sun beating down and a wonderful, cool breeze came from the ocean. There was the normal greetings of the neighborhood birds and their sweet sounds are one of the reasons we love these morning walks. It is what makes our neighborhood so livable.

On our way back from the coffee shop, our thirst satiated and our spirits lifted, we spotted some crows on a nearby house. My wife saw it first and noted that there was a party on the roof. I said that it was a murder of crows (, noting that a flock of crows was a "murder". But my wife said that it was hardly a flock (there were only three). So my daughter said that it was an "attempted murder".

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