Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spider Housekeeping

This weekend I saw a spider. EEK!

I awoke yesterday morning and found him/her building, no, tending the web. It was early morning and over my coffee and morning paper I watched him. Nothing unusual was happening. I, drinking my coffee, reading my newspaper, he, watching his web and waiting for gnats, flies or any other insects that happened to wander by.

Midway through my paper I noticed a leaf hanging on the web, near the bottom where he attached the web to the house. The leaf was wiggling in the slight early morning breeze. With every breeze the web shook. The little leaf was aggravating the whole web. The spider, finally got annoyed and moved down the web to flick the leaf off into the yard. I was intrigued about the spider and impressed with the effort at web housekeeping.

He was back tonight. I noticed there were some insects in the web already. I wish him well. But I hope he dismantles it in the morning because I have some yardwork to do and it is a common passageway around the house. Tonight I will let him sleep.

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