Monday, October 12, 2009

polished cutlery - a writing prompt (exercise).

The cutlery was sharpened and polished. His boss had been after him for weeks now to come up with some new menu item; and item that would bring great attention to the restaurant. Day after day, night after night. The same old thing. "Give me something new; something wild. We need to be famous.

If famous was what he wanted, famous is what he would get. His boss came in that night. Said the same thing, "give me something new, something exciting, something to get my blood flowing." And the chef grabbed his newly sharpened and polished cutlery and sliced through the vegetables and herbs that would become the basis for his new and exciting menu creation. This was just the beginning. And the dish would become famous.


NOTE: I gave myself a writing prompt. The idea was to take a thought and write two pages from it. I got two paragraphs. My concentration is shot. My next project is to create a recipe that can go along with this. Now that is a challenge.

1 comment:

Cosmo said...

I like this begining. In fact, I think it's pretty much complete! Let the reader conclude the story and create the recipe. I know I did.

I like short stories, but short short storiers are even better.