Monday, August 25, 2008


Today I delved into my sub conscious and found a distant dream/goal that I first encountered in the eighth grade. I was reminded about a classic author and I remembered a book I read in school. I don't think it was for a class but I read it because I heard he was the best. From the moment I first picked up Dicken's "David Copperfield" I was hooked. The first page contains the best writing I had ever encountered. "Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anyone else, these pages must show."

I was reminded of this passage when a friend told me that she was re-reading "Great Expectations". I offered that at one time Dickens was my favorite author. I lied. I just wanted the conversation to continue. Although my most favorite book IS "David Copperfield". I enjoyed Dickens style. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. " To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at twelve o'clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously. " From those lines on I was hooked. I read the whole think in the fall of my freshman year in high school.

I believe now that that has been the goal of my life. To be the hero of my own life. I dare say that I am still working on it. But the successes that I have enjoyed in life thus far have been the parts of my plan that have been purposefully achieved. I have known love and lost it. I have known love and won it. I continue to savor that victory.

I have two beautiful children whose lives hold as much promise as my own life did (and still does as I am still breathing). I must admit that the children's ages now provide an immense challenge to my wife and myself as to make me think that my hero status is in terrible jeopardy. But then things happen that can change my mind in an instant. They are beautiful, smart, generous and loving kids. They will go far in this life.

Does parenting make me heroic? I don't know. At times maybe. Plucking a baby from a swimming pool before he tries to breathe under water. Yeah, I did that. My 18 month son slipped not a foot from me. I grabbed him before he even thought to breathe. He is fine. Forgotten all about it. Of course, he has had 13 years.

Or pulling splinters?, Or cleaning scrapes and cuts? Answering questions?

Helping my daughter with her school project? Does that make me heroic? Maybe. But we all do that. Homework? I don't know.

I guess I am still trying to figure out that Dickens line. "Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anyone else, these pages must show." Maybe that is what this blog is all about. I don't know. I don't know if I can be called a hero just yet. Maybe that is the struggle. Maybe I should re-read David Copperfield. I will have to clean out the garage to find it. Wish me luck.



KayMac said...

Interesting question. Can we be the hero of our own lives? Or does being a hero require that we are perceived that way by others?

I do however think that the things you have done as a dad make you herioc..We may all do those kinds of things for our kids, but who will YOUR child turn to for rescuing? Not the guy next door, even though he may be a good dad to his children. YOUR child will turn to (or admire) the hero that he/she has personally been touched by.

I haven't read David Copperfield in years and years...perhaps I will give it a new turn of the page as well.

jsi said...

Or coming home every night...a hero.
Or always having an encouraging word to say...a hero.

Not all superheros wear capes.

Charles Dicken's is an amazing wordsmith and there will never be a better opening to a written story than, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of time."

Continue to be the hero of your life. Another hero I have just been listening to has been Sen. John McCain. Forget about the ballot box and the party repartee - the biographical description of that man's life is inspirational!

Be the hero - be the hero of your life! What a great post tonight - I'm glad I stopped by.