Monday, March 23, 2009

A Monday kind of Depressed

I mentioned to a friend that I was tired and depressed. Just a little tired after a weekend and just a little depressed, the Monday kind of depression. You know, when you realize it is Monday morning and you played the lotto but didn't win. That kind of depressed. This friend told me this little thought:

"I had a friend tell me just the other day that we all worry about the fact that we are these bodies going around with spirits in them and we worry so about all of the little things when the truth is that we are actually all spirits using a body to get to places and touch people we are meant to get to and touch....."

Whether you believe in the spirit or not, you must feel something when you connect with another human being. Cherish that.


Anonymous said...

I have thought about this often and for many years. I am my spirit....not the body that carries it around...the spirit is what really matters.

Thanks for sharing the insight.


David said...

Thank you for commenting. I am trying to put more thought into this blog thing. Unfortunately, my mundane life does not yield too many new ideas. Thanks for stopping by. I do appreciate it.