Thursday, June 11, 2009


The last few days I have spent pondering, really pondering, my future as a blogger, as a writer. I have been looking at all things. I have found several signs. My blog of June 9, 2009 set the tone
). What does my future hold? I am still pondering. And today, during my lunch break reading, I come across a little advice from one of my favorite columnists (Jay Nordlinger of National Review).

People have always asked him, "What can I do to break into journalism?" Jay's advice can be found here (

Jay told his readers, "... And let me suggest that you find topics off the beaten path: topics that have not been trodden by hundreds of others. Maybe something that only you can write about. Maybe something that you have noticed, uniquely, or quasi-uniquely...Do you have some quirky area of expertise?....Cast your net as wide as possible: Seek out every publication, every editor, every contact. Work for free or for pay, it matters not, at first. Do some blogging on your own, or some other self-publishing."

Wow. Thanks Jay. I have been following your advice even before you gave it. I am on my way.


PS: Just my luck. I decide to become a journalist and columnist just when almost all of the newspapers in the country are starting to, or thinking about, cutting back or go under. Just when I decide to do something, that something goes away. Maybe I shouldn't invest in the stock market.

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