Thursday, July 10, 2008


Good evening. I just returned home after a great party for a dear friend's birthday. It is great to get together with family and friends. She is "family". A dear person whom I have known well for over 20 years and whom my wife has known for over 25 years. She is a dear friend also because she is a faithful reader of this blog.

I commented that not very many people comment on my blog. (I actually have a few faithful readers.) She stated that I should not be concerned about how many people read my blog. I should be writing for myself. Yes, true, but all writers write for an audience. One of the reasons I started this blog was to write, to force myself, to write regularly. I am writing more regularly now than before I started this so that works. In a way she is right. But what I really want is to develop some sort of discussion. I want to be a better writer. I want to be known for my writing. But I write pretty tame (lame?) blog posts. I know that. I wanted to offer some insights into daily life. Boring...every one's life is different. Everyone has opinions. How can I set myself up as someone different? How can I make people stop by?

I may have to go against my original thoughts or my original desire on this blog. Maybe I should put forth more opinions. Become more "controversial". Raise some eyebrows, stir things up. I wonder how many visitors and comments I could get at that point.

I am an anarchist. I am a realist. How can anyone tell any other person what to do with their lives? How to live? I believe we are all put here for a reason. A reason that might be between us and our maker. I am reading a book about the future of western society and in that book the West degrades into anarchy after the liberal, politically correct policies of the sixties begin to rule our lives. Watch out, they have been slowly implemented into today’s society by slowly brainwashing the electorate. We have to stick up for individual rights.

I became a republican because they believe in less government control over individuals' lives. I have yet to see a perfect governmental system. But I believe in the one we currently have, with all its faults, it works. I believe that the reason we are facing some of the problems that we have now is because we are moving away, slowly away from the ideals and principles that helped to develop this great country.

We are asking more and more that the government take care of us. This was the thinking going back to the sixties. The welfare state. The war on Poverty. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask rather what you can do for your country." We should donate time and services to our country? Jonah Goldberg in National Review Online stated "For those who don’t remember, the 13th Amendment says: 'Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime . . . shall exist within the United States'." I know in this upcoming election there is (are) a candidate (candidates) who would "set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year". (Emphasis mine). And now he wants to make the faith based initiative of GW Bush a government position too. Does he understand the constitution?

Hmmm. Isn't going to work and becoming a productive, tax paying citizen a noble goal? I began paying taxes when I started working at age 12. Maybe not income taxes but consumption taxes. I spent all of the money that I earned. I bought gas to run my lawnmowers. I paid taxes on the candy and goodies I bought with my money. As I got older, I paid gas for my cars so that I could get to a better paying job so that I could spend more money. I paid tuition in college. I paid taxes at the school cafeteria where I ate lunch. I paid taxes on the books I bought. I paid the government for the privilege of driving on their/our roads. I contribute.

What have I received for my taxes? I expect the government to "…establish Justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity…" I expect justice. When someone breaks the law, I want him or her punished. If someone wants a job I want him or her to have every opportunity to find the job that they want or are suited to do. I want people to be able to go to school and receive a quality education. I want the government to be strong enough so that I don’t have to worry about being blown up while I am trying to provide a better life for my family and community.

Community? Yes, of course. When I was in college taking a course in economic geography I learned that for a company to be successful it must sell outside its own community. Otherwise it is just redistributing the wealth among its own. And when that happens there is a diminishing effect. True wealth and growth is obtained by continually bringing in new moneys. I made the choice in college that, if possible, I would work for a manufacturer. It took me six years to do that but I finally did break through. I have been doing that ever since. I am, I feel I am productive. I pay taxes.

I am sorry for rambling. This is how I feel. I want to write. I want the freedom to be able to pursue my livelihood by it. I want that opportunity. So please forgive me if, in the future, I may rattle a few nerves. I am just speaking my mind.

See Lady, you have a profound affect on me. Happy Birthday.



Anonymous said...

You are all ready too controversial for me! LOL

David said...
