Monday, October 13, 2008

war on poverty

I found some notes on my desk as I was moving my little work station around in my son's old room. He moved out to my daughter's old room. She is away at college. They decided that they would switch. I got the leftover room.

I had read an article a few weeks back. It was an interesting read. That word is a fascinating word. I know what it means. When people really don't want to talk about the questions raised they always say that it is an "interesting question", or you are an "interesting person". That implies that they did some thinking about it. They really don't want it to go any further than that. Maybe they aren't really as smart as they think they are, or maybe they are afraid they will be found out.

Well, I guess that is unfair, but on several occasions that is how it has turned out. All I want is some discussions that lead to growth - physical, mental, spiritual - it doesn't matter to me. I need the intellectual stimulation. I miss it. I am dying without it. Mostly, it is a matter of time. Who has the time to really sit and think about stuff. That is all I want. I want to be a philosopher. I think really that a smart conversation can be beneficial to everyone.

The discussion I wanted to have was serious and thus unlikely to find time for discussion. People just don't have time for intellectual pursuits. I was reading some time back about the war on poverty. I tried to bring this up to a person whose intellect I admire. But they really didn't even seem to want to talk. It hurts sometimes. But I digress...

I shall paraphrase…

"Why should we be fighting poverty? It is the default condition for humans. We are all born naked and hungry. What we should instead be asking is how come some prosper and some don't. What we should be asking is rather why are some educated and some not. Why do some learn and others not?" (David Freddoso, National Review).

I thought this a very thought provoking question. Food for thought. Don't you think?

I would rather see the schools actually focus on education and not their own personal indoctrination. Teach kids to learn, to actually think for themselves. Let them find their own way.

Hmmmmm!? What do you think?


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