Thursday, October 9, 2008

The thought hurts

Sometimes I think of things. I have a spark of a thought. Just a little flicker. Boom. Then something happens, another thought, or some task, or business, work, chores, life, then the thought is gone.

I have too much on my mind. I need to prioritize. I need to focus. Ok. but not tonight. I am listening to music. Just a compilation of my favorite folk music. Priscilla Herdman, Tom Russell, Martin Simpson, Loudon Wainwright III, Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer, Josh Ritter. I love this music. Such great stories and emotion. Very relaxing and thought provoking. But not tonight...

Perhaps another day...



Cosmo said...

How about a collection of notebooks dotted around the house - or a small one in your pocket at all times - so you can jot down thoughts and ideas imediately? (Don't forget lots of pens too!)

I was talking with someone the other day and he said he gets his best ideas during his morning shower, but by the time he is out the thought is gone. I suggested getting a packet of kids bath crayons and keeping them in the shower. If you get an idea just write it on the wall! Once you have commited it to paper later you can wipe the wall clean.

Just an idea...

David said...

Thanks Cosmo. I have notebooks all over the house. I do make notes. The particular thought that hurt was one second I had this thought about what to write about and the next second it was gone. The hurt was that I am at that point in life where I forget things. I have too much on my mind and I get distracted easily.

Some one told me that if I focus on one thing long enough then my thought process will get better and I will be able to concentrate better. I am going to try that. Wish me luck.

Thanks for stopping by. I do appreciate it.