Monday, November 8, 2010


I want to finish my coffee.
I want breakfast in bed.
I want to sleep when I'm tired.
I want nothing to dread.

I want to be the ear when you talk.
I want to be the floor when you walk.
I want to say things to make you smile.
I want to stay beside you all the while.

I want to be the air when you breathe.
I want to be there when you leave.
I need your smiles and your sighs.
I need the beauty of your eyes.

I love this woman, this lady next to me,
Except for my love there is nothing she expects of me.
I have given her my life, she makes me whole.
Together we are each other’s heart and soul.

Note: I think I wrote this in the mid nineties. When the kids were small.

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