Tuesday, October 2, 2007


When I started this Blog I had all kinds of grand dreams. I thought that I would write thought provoking little essays here that would really provoke a lot of discussion on the life we lead. I have received some great comments and found links to some interesting people, but I am still waiting for those deep philosophical and intellectual follow-on discussions. Heck, I have only been at this a week now. But still, all of my friends who have checked out the site, AND all of my new friends, drop me an e-mail if you don't want to comment here. I would love to hear from you. Especially now that my team was so ungloriously eliminated from the baseball playoffs, I have plenty of time for long discussions. So, whenever you are ready, whatever you want to talk about.

Thanks for stopping by.


KayMac said...

What is the meaning of life?

David said...

Hi. I am still trying to figure this out - both life and this blog site. They are both a work in progress.

As for life, I believe it has a different meaning for each of us. What I need, what I love, what it means to me is entirely different than what I am sure it means to you. But that only makes it different, not good or bad.

I truly believe that life means to me a constant struggle between good and bad. I try to be good.

As for this blog, I guess I should just comment to this comment and see what that does. I will go from there. Thanks.

KayMac said...

LOL, I am with you on this...trying to figure out life AND blogging!

Agree, we all bring different things, experiences, perspectives, beliefs, expectations to the table, and what an ambiguous question...but figured I would ask anyway!

I also agree that life seems to bring a constant struggle between good and bad. Wish it were easier at times. I think most people try to be good. I think most people are trying to not only "get along", but to make a difference in the world, to be a part of something bigger and beyond themselves. I like the creativity and imagination and bravery and purpose and questioning and exploration that even the most seemingly ordinary person possesses. Humans are amazing creatures.

For me, I link all this together...life, purpose, needs, good and bad...to my faith.

David said...

Wow. We agree on a lot of things. "to make a difference" in the world, to leave it a better place than it was, go beyond yourself, yes, I agree. Grow and become better. I like that.

Thank you.