Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Eight Is Enough", Really?

Last week in the news there was an amazing story about a woman who gave birth to 8 live babies. When I was growing up we were always amazed at these multiple births. Triplets not so much, Quadruplets maybe but always amazed at the sextuplets or septuplets. So, when the news hit about the Octuplets being born in southern California I was flabbergasted. This was quite an amazing feat. For a split second. Fertility treatments. Oh yeah, no big deal these days. Still, eight new humans at one time? Amazing still.

Next day the news was starting to filter out about this woman. She already has 6 young kids at home. She is a single mom living with her parents. Blah, blah, blah!. The discussion started about ethics and responsibility. She should not have been allowed to have that many kids. The doctors who did the implants were irresponsible and unethical. They should not have implanted that many. The woman herself was irresponsible and should not have allowed that many embryos to be implanted. She should have aborted a "reasonable amount" of the babies. I heard these arguments. I don't agree with the woman's decisions but I don't feel right to criticize her either. I just don't know enough details.

Reporters interviewed the grandfather outside a small house in So. Cal. He said that the babies would live with the mother and the grandparents and that they had a huge house that no one will ever know about or see. I hope that this is not the case because it all seems strange to me. Hmmm. It all seems kind of shady and mysterious to me. But is it really any of my business unless they are on welfare and using my tax money.

"...We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Wow. I was reading the news and that particular paragraph from the "Declaration" popped into my mind. It occurred to me that it was her right to be stupid and irresponsible. I just hope that those attributes are not a family trait.


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