Thursday, February 26, 2009

God's Anonymous Miracle

It has been said that "a coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous.” I am certainly convinced of that notion.

Given the recent events in my family (the loss of a beloved nephew and some minor health scares), my wife and her four sisters decided that they needed some time to sort out all the feelings and reconnect with each other. One of the sisters suggested a short cruise along the coasts of southern California and northern Mexico. This was a four day cruise which would allow the five of them some down time for introspection and relaxation.

It seemed the time was right for that reunion. But during the planning it became evident that the time just was not right for their older sister, Peggy, to join them. It was unfortunate because all of them were looking forward to being together. But, alas, it was not to be. Peggy had family responsibilities that would not allow her to be freed for the four day cruise. The remaining four sisters left on the cruise without their older sister.

One of the cruise stops was Ensenada, Mexico. Because of the recent gang related events in Mexico I warned my wife to be careful. She assured me that she would not stray from the path and that she had her sisters there to protect her and they could help protect each other. They would be safe.

On these cruises excursions are set up to allow passengers to tour the port cities. When they disembarked in Ensenada they immediately went to the line for their chosen excursion.

While in line for the shopping tour, another lady came up to them and mentioned that her husband was unable to accompany her to shore (for whatever reason). She asked my wife and her sisters (sans sister Peggy) if it would be ok if she tagged along with them. My wife's family group said "absolutely" and introductions were made. "This is J----, C----, B----, and N---."

The new lady said "Nice to meet you, my name is Peggy." At the very mention of the name "Peggy", my wife and her sisters let out a scream, which I am sure frightened this newcomer. Finally, noticing the look on her face, some explanation was given for the outburst. With the addition of "Peggy" to the sisters tour the mission was complete. There was a unity in time and space as all the sisters were present in a spiritual sense, in thought and mind. Though physically left behind, Peggy had arrived in spirit and surrogate. All was right with the cosmos. And the rest of the day was spent in shopping bliss.

What an amazing little oddity that is. There is a force in the universe that likes to have things in their place. There is some great equalizer out there. I am sure that my wife's parents were looking down and had something to do with this plan. A little, simple coincidence, a little, simple miracle where God wanted to remain anonymous.



KayMac said...

Catching up on your posts. Love this one about your wife and her sisters!!!

Anonymous said...

wow, that is very cool David. Thanks for sharing it....