Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter, 1993

To my daughter, 3 years old at the time. How much fun we had.

Orange and blue and yellow and red.
"make some green," you said.
Said I to you,
"I'll make them blue
and yellow, orange and red."
But you persist,
"Make some green," again you said.
"We have eggs of red and yellow,
eggs of orange and blue."
And you went on to name

the colors as you know 'em.
But I'll not make eggs of green
like a childhood poem.
"But," you said with glee,
"I like green."
But green eggs are not for me.

So now you sit
and make your face to pout.
And your mother says to me
"Make some green."
And I was much put out.

by David R. Normand
Author's Comments:
"We were having fun. I would have made green eggs for her anyway. It was our favorite book."

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