Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just some thoughts

It is interesting to watch the US government at work. At least they are balking at giving the auto makers a bailout. Geesh!! I have been watching the oil industry and the auto industry in this country for 40 years. I have been through gas shortages and gas lines. I have watched the US sink to their knees because some oil cartel dictates that we must. I wondered where our electric cars are. Weren't we supposed to be free of foreign oil years ago? Weren't we supposed to have solar panels on our roofs and electric cars in our garages? Where were the auto makers when we needed them? I waited 30 years for a gas efficient American automobile. I am still disappointed. I drive an American made Hybrid. How come there aren't more and how come it took so long? How come solar panels aren't cheaper? These things should have been developed years ago. And now look at the mess we are in.

Bailouts = rewarding poor behavior. The loans that the banks made were to high risk individuals who could ill afford to pay them back. These were in a lot of cases bad loans. Why are we the taxpayers bailing out these executives. Look at the bonuses. Look at their salaries. They are being paid to fail. I dare say that an American worker would have been fired if he performed like them. What a mess.

Speaking of messes. Yes, we had an election. We have a new president in January. Then why is he now making policy? Didn't he resign his senate seat? Isn't he now just a private citizen? Why is our weak, current president letting Mr. President Elect set current US policy?
Mr. Obama doesn't take office until January 20th. He should wait until then to govern. That is the way this country is set up. WE do not have two presidents. We do not have co-presidents.

And what is with the "Office of the President Elect"? That panel makes it appear that it is an official government office. That is just plain wrong. And he is supposed to be a constitutional law professor. It looks like he doesn't understand that part of the constitution. He doesn't take office until January 20th. I will support him then. Until then I wish he would just let our current president govern. It is going to be an interesting next four years.

I just had to get this off of my chest. Isn't there an office of government protocol? Who else is watching this stuff?



KayMac said...

Your comments are interesting. I live in the Detroit area, so our news & commentators are taking a different perspective on the auto bailout, especially with Michigan already hit so hard economically. People are moving from this state, homes are being lost...

But I agree, where was the foresight? Many of my friends work directly for the Big 3. They are some of the brightest minds that I I know the caliber of expertise and knowledge that is floating around there (here).

I guess we weren't in enough pain to react. Now we are.

David said...

Hi Kay. I know. Interesting is what my daughter says when she doesn't agree with me. But I have watched the auto makers suffer these past 30+ years. Through good times and bad times and still they suffer. I just hope that this current crisis maybe will serve to educate them. I hate to see all the people suffer. I have been aware of what happens when people get laid off. Times get real tough. And I hope that all Americans come through these hard times with a better and more optimistic view of our future. thanks for reading.