Thursday, February 28, 2008


Our anniversary is on February 27th. I mention that because of Steinbeck's birthday and because of another coincidence. I started my current job 11 years ago on March 24th. I found out several months later when I looked at my boss's service award that he started on March 24 also (albeit 22 years prior to me). Well, on Wednesday, February 27th I happened to be in my boss's office when his phone rang. He answered and told his wife "happy anniversary". After he was off the phone I remarked that it was also my anniversary. It was just amazing that we shared two anniversarys. What are the odds on that?

I just had to share that. No other coincidences here. Yet. Take care all.



jsi said...

An amazing course of events to be sure! Now you have an anniversary buddy to help each of you continue to remember to keep the day available to help celebrate with your spouse. Sounds like there won't be any convention trips for the end of February for either of you!
Really quite neat!

David said...

I know what you mean. But I am so comfortable in my marriage that I don't need reminders. I remember anniversaries. We celebrate our first meeting. We celebrate our engagement. We celebrate our life. I think that is the key. Don't just make it one day, or two days, or birthdays, or anniversaries. Life is so special and our marriage is so wonderful that we celebrate it everyday. Thanks for your comments.