Thursday, November 13, 2008


Encouragement. We all need it. I look for comments on my blog. I need to know whether my efforts here are being read. I had a friend once tell me that I shouldn't write for anyone else, that I should just write for myself. Well, in every writing class that I ever had the teacher, the professor or whomever always said that the writer is a fool who only writes for himself. Words are meant to be expressed. Words are meant to be read. Isn't that the essence of COMMUNication? To communicate. Why else did we create language? Hey, I want people to read my blog. But one thing I realize and have begun to accept is that I cannot force anyone to do anything. I have no control over anyone's feelings or views. I can only hope that they stop by.

But on the subject of encouragement (I had recently shamefully discussed this issue with my former boss). I want to encourage all of my readers, (ok, the three of you), to go and check out Jessie Irvin's blog. ( on encouragement.) Or for that matter any other blog that I link from here. But Jessie's blog had a great post written on encouragement. That is what got me thinking today. It was just amazing.

Jessie's blog was one of the first I had seen here. I have not read or checked back as much as I should have but I will from now on. I think she hit it "spot on" about how busy we all are in our daily lives. I am pleased that I found her blog. I thank her for sharing her thoughts with us. Her words have made me understand things more, or at least how others feel when I intrude on or interrupt their lives.

Thank you Jessie. You have opened my eyes.


KayMac said...

Thanks for the link. It was a very good post!

Christy said...

Hey Dave. Thanks for stopping in at my blog and leaving a comment! It was very nice. You left enough information about yourself that made me want to check in on your blog.
I'm glad I did. I loved this post! Couldn't agree more. I'll stop in again I'm sure!

jsi said...

Oh Dave, now I'm blushing. Your words are an encouragement to me. It is so vital to us, completely and blatantly required.

How goes the war?