Monday, November 17, 2008

In the news:

From the Associated Press:
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Astronauts hitched a giant shipping crate full of home improvement "goodies" to the international space station on Monday, a critical step for boosting the population in orbit."

My first reaction to this statement was that I thought the crate was like a giant shipping crate. My company uses wooden shipping crates. I thought the crate was made of wood. Then I started thinking how wood would react in a weightless environment. Would it explode? Would it condense. In the vacuum of space, would the atoms have enough connection to stay connected? did NASA ever do studies on these materials?

Just some pondering...hey, its what I do.

Updated November 22, 2008 -
My Friend and fellow blogger left a comment and submitted this link:
some sort of answer. Thank you Cosmo.



Cosmo said...

Isn't the internet great? Ask it a question and it will come up with some sort of answer.

David said...

This is great. Thanks Cosmo. I shall have to remember that site. My son was asking me about reflections the other day. The mirror kind, not the retrospective, looking back kind. I had no answer for him. I took a physics class about 20 years ago. I forgot most of it. Everything except the teacher. He was a good friend.